
Behaviour and mental health in schools:

(Thrive's response to CYPMHC findings)

In 2022, The Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC) asked young people, parents and professionals for their views on current approaches to behaviour management and mental health in schools. Respondents strongly agreed that behaviour is linked to young people's mental health, but that current responses to behaviour in schools a) don't reflect this and b) aren't working. A year on, and the CYPMHC have gathered additional insightful evidence and are releasing a detailed report on their full findings.

In 'Behaviour and mental health in schools: Thrive's response to CYPMHC findings', Viv Trask-Hall first introduces you to some of Thrive's key takeaways from the report, and then suggests simple, actionable approaches that schools can adopt to address them. 

If you're ready for insights designed to transform behaviour without resorting to sanctions, suspensions, detentions and exclusions, book onto this one-time-only event. 

After 45 minutes you'll be armed with:

  • An understanding of why behaviour is the communication of unmet need. 
  • Examples of the types of disruptive behaviour we see in schools - and what the young person may actually be trying to communicate
  • A clear grasp of how to put boundaries and expectations in place - whilst simultaneously holding trusted relationships at the centre of school culture
  • Insight into how to embed a whole school approach to behaviour that supports mental health and wellbeing 
  • Knowledge of how to measure the impact of a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing
'Behaviour and mental health in schools; Thrive's response to CYPMHC findings' is:
  • Developed to address the points raised in CYPMHC's latest inquiry into the connection between mental health and behaviour
  • Ideal for educators working across any age group
  • Completely free and happening on Zoom
  • Taking place on Wednesday, 21st June between 4.00pm and 4.45pm BST

Ready to join the other 50,000 educators receiving insights and strategies to transform behaviour in the classroom? Sign up below to save your seat at this virtual event.


Can't make the date? Sign up anyway and we'll send you a recording.